Varnish minus VCL?

Luke Macpherson varnish at
Wed Sep 26 03:46:19 CEST 2007

I'm still kicking around ideas here. I'm trying to think of a solution
which is workable in the presence of larger numbers of backends,
without sacrificing performance or configurability of smaller setups.
I imagine there are others running into the same problems.

There are, I think, two main problems to solve:
1) Managing large numbers of dynamically changing backends.
2) Improving performance of request to service mapping when the number of
    services is large. (Or is there a nice way to do it I'm not aware of?)

One option would be to introduce another shared-memory area for use
between a management daemon and varnishd. I imagine this area would
contain data-structures to be updated by the management daemon
periodically, and read by varnishd when processing requests.

A reader-writer locking scheme should give reasonable performance,
since writes to the structure by the management daemon would be very

Here is how I think it should work:
* shared hashtable of services
* each service has a list of backends (and assigned weights, strategy
params etc)
* default service or 4xx/5xx configurable for hashtable misses

Instead of deciding on a backend name, the VCL code should decide on a
service name. It should be able to either specify a literal name, or
generate a name string based on the Host/URL/other parameters.

For example: sub vcl_recv { req.service =; } would give
good performance on large service maps, without precluding long lists
of regular expressions for those that really need them. (is this legal

Initial values for the shared data-structures could be set by the VCL
file to enable varnishd to operate as usual if an external management
daemon is not present.

I guess another (somewhat hacky) solution would be to continually
generate and update VCL on the fly.

Does anyone have further thoughts on this?

On 9/25/07, Poul-Henning Kamp <phk at> wrote:
> In message <29f77e8a0709241712k2092c712u6fa3e7844f7ea52 at>, "Luke
> Macpherson" writes:
> >I am looking to deploy varnish in a configuration which has a large
> >number of backends, and integrate it with our existing management
> >infrastructure. I'd like to solicit your opinions on the best way to
> >do that.
> >
> >What I'm thinking of doing is using replacing the compiled VCL
> >configuration object with a custom-written object. This C library
> >could talk to our existing infrastructure to keep track of live
> >backends and choose the appropriate one at run-time based on
> >availability, load and other factors.
> VCL has a mechanism for including C language, so in theory you can
> do that from a VCL program.
> >Is this a reasonable approach? Is the VCL api stable and well-defined
> >enough? Is there a better place to plug-in this kind of functionality?
> VCL doesn't guarantee stable internal APIs, that's one of the reasons
> why we go to such great lengths to make it one single executable that
> contains everything.
> That said, I don't see anything very hard or impossible in what
> you are proposing, but it takes a good programmer to get it right.
> --
> Poul-Henning Kamp       | UNIX since Zilog Zeus 3.20
> phk at FreeBSD.ORG         | TCP/IP since RFC 956
> FreeBSD committer       | BSD since 4.3-tahoe
> Never attribute to malice what can adequately be explained by incompetence.

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