Bug in 1.1.2: Multiple headers stripped (oops)

Adrian Otto aotto at mosso.com
Thu Aug 14 18:58:19 CEST 2008


I've found, and reproduced an apparent bug in varnish 1.1.2. It  
happens when handling a Connection header sent from the client  
browser. The HTTP/1.1 protocol requires that any header names listed  
in the Connection header be removed before the proxy forwards the  
request to the backend web server. That works. It removes the  
specified header. However, it also removes the NEXT header that  
follows the specified one. This can lead to substantial trouble if  
the header following the specified one is the Host header. It results  
in a 404 result from the backend web server because varnish sends a  
Host header with the IP address of the backend web server rather than  
the original Host name that was sent by the client. This results in  
the incorrect document being fetched (and cached) from the backend  

I have provided two examples of the problem below. I need to do some  
additional work to set up my dev environment to start working on a  
patch, but if anyone else already has a patch for this, or can easily  
produce one, I's certainly appreciate any assistance you are willing  
to offer in the mean time.


Adrian Otto

Here is an example:

Notice that the Connection header from the client browser specifies  
that the TE header should be removed. However, once the request is  
proxied to the backend web server, the Host header has changed.

  13 SessionOpen  c 49408
     0 ExpBan         121045864 was banned
    13 ReqStart     c 49408 121045866
    13 RxRequest    c GET
    13 RxURL        c /spacer_thin.gif
    13 RxProtocol   c HTTP/1.1
    13 RxHeader     c Referer: http://www.example.com/carchart/index.htm
    13 RxHeader     c Accept-Language: en-US,en;q=0.9
    13 RxHeader     c Accept-Encoding: deflate, gzip, x-gzip,  
identity, *;q=0
    13 RxHeader     c Cookie: X-Mapping- 
    13 RxHeader     c X-Cluster-Client-Ip:
    13 RxHeader     c Cookie2: $Version=1
    13 RxHeader     c Connection: Keep-Alive, TE
    13 RxHeader     c Accept: text/html, application/xml;q=0.9,  
application/xhtml+xml, image/png, image/jpeg, image/gif, image/x- 
xbitmap, */*;q=0.1
    13 RxHeader     c TE: deflate, gzip, chunked, identity, trailers
    13 RxHeader     c Host: www.example.com
    13 RxHeader     c Accept-Charset: iso-8859-1, utf-8, utf-16, *;q=0.1
    13 RxHeader     c User-Agent: Opera/9.51 (Windows NT 5.1; U; en)
    13 VCL_call     c recv
    13 VCL_return   c lookup
    13 VCL_call     c hash
    13 VCL_return   c hash
    13 VCL_call     c miss
    13 VCL_return   c fetch
    16 BackendOpen  b default 34140 80
    16 BackendXID   b 121045866
    13 Backend      c 16 default
    16 TxRequest    b GET
    16 TxURL        b /spacer_thin.gif
    16 TxProtocol   b HTTP/1.1
    16 TxHeader     b Referer: http://www.example.com/carchart/index.htm
    16 TxHeader     b Accept-Language: en-US,en;q=0.9
    16 TxHeader     b Accept-Encoding: deflate, gzip, x-gzip,  
identity, *;q=0
    16 TxHeader     b X-Cluster-Client-Ip:
    16 TxHeader     b Cookie2: $Version=1
    16 TxHeader     b Accept: text/html, application/xml;q=0.9,  
application/xhtml+xml, image/png, image/jpeg, image/gif, image/x- 
xbitmap, */*;q=0.1
    16 TxHeader     b Accept-Charset: iso-8859-1, utf-8, utf-16, *;q=0.1
    16 TxHeader     b User-Agent: Opera/9.51 (Windows NT 5.1; U; en)
    16 TxHeader     b X-Varnish: 121045866
    16 TxHeader     b X-Forwarded-for:
    16 TxHeader     b Host:
    16 RxProtocol   b HTTP/1.1
    16 RxStatus     b 404
    16 RxResponse   b Not Found
    16 RxHeader     b Date: Thu, 14 Aug 2008 16:41:57 GMT
    16 RxHeader     b Server: Apache/2.0.52 (CentOS)
    16 RxHeader     b Content-Length: 290
    16 RxHeader     b Connection: close
    16 RxHeader     b Content-Type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1
    13 ObjProtocol  c HTTP/1.1
    13 ObjStatus    c 404
    13 ObjResponse  c Not Found
    13 ObjHeader    c Date: Thu, 14 Aug 2008 16:41:57 GMT
    13 ObjHeader    c Server: Apache/2.0.52 (CentOS)
    13 ObjHeader    c Content-Type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1
    16 BackendClose b default
    13 TTL          c 121045866 RFC 1800 1218732117 1218732117 0 0 0
    13 VCL_call     c fetch
    13 VCL_return   c insert
    13 Length       c 290
    13 VCL_call     c deliver
    13 VCL_return   c deliver
    13 TxProtocol   c HTTP/1.1
    13 TxStatus     c 404
    13 TxResponse   c Not Found
    13 TxHeader     c Server: Apache/2.0.52 (CentOS)
    13 TxHeader     c Content-Type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1
    13 TxHeader     c Content-Length: 290
    13 TxHeader     c Date: Thu, 14 Aug 2008 16:41:57 GMT
    13 TxHeader     c X-Varnish: 121045866
    13 TxHeader     c Age: 0
    13 TxHeader     c Via: 1.1 varnish
    13 TxHeader     c Connection: keep-alive
    13 ReqEnd       c 121045866 1218732117.032603979  
1218732117.123506069 0.003006935 0.090833902 0.000068188
     0 StatAddr 0 84 2 2 0 0 1 522 333
     0 ExpKill        121045864 -1218732117
    13 SessionClose c timeout
    13 StatSess     c 49408 0 1 1 0 0 1 233 290
    13 SessionOpen  c 49409
    13 ReqStart     c 49409 121045867
    13 RxRequest    c GET
    13 RxURL        c /spacer_thin.gif
    13 RxProtocol   c HTTP/1.1
    13 RxHeader     c Referer: http://www.example.com/carchart/index.htm
    13 RxHeader     c Accept-Language: en-US,en;q=0.9
    13 RxHeader     c Accept-Encoding: deflate, gzip, x-gzip,  
identity, *;q=0
    13 RxHeader     c Cookie: X-Mapping- 
    13 RxHeader     c X-Cluster-Client-Ip:
    13 RxHeader     c Cookie2: $Version=1
    13 RxHeader     c Connection: Keep-Alive, TE
    13 RxHeader     c Accept: text/html, application/xml;q=0.9,  
application/xhtml+xml, image/png, image/jpeg, image/gif, image/x- 
xbitmap, */*;q=0.1
    13 RxHeader     c Host: www.example.com
    13 RxHeader     c TE: deflate, gzip, chunked, identity, trailers
    13 RxHeader     c Accept-Charset: iso-8859-1, utf-8, utf-16, *;q=0.1
    13 RxHeader     c User-Agent: Opera/9.51 (Windows NT 5.1; U; en)
    13 VCL_call     c recv
    13 VCL_return   c lookup
    13 VCL_call     c hash
    13 VCL_return   c hash
    13 Hit          c 121045866
    13 VCL_call     c hit
    13 VCL_return   c deliver
    13 Length       c 290
    13 VCL_call     c deliver
    13 VCL_return   c deliver
    13 TxProtocol   c HTTP/1.1
    13 TxStatus     c 404
    13 TxResponse   c Not Found
    13 TxHeader     c Server: Apache/2.0.52 (CentOS)
    13 TxHeader     c Content-Type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1
    13 TxHeader     c Content-Length: 290
    13 TxHeader     c Date: Thu, 14 Aug 2008 16:43:18 GMT
    13 TxHeader     c X-Varnish: 121045867 121045866
    13 TxHeader     c Age: 81
    13 TxHeader     c Via: 1.1 varnish
    13 TxHeader     c Connection: keep-alive
    13 ReqEnd       c 121045867 1218732198.320590973  
1218732198.320696115 0.003068924 0.000036001 0.000069141
     0 StatAddr 0 165 3 3 0 0 1 766 623
    13 SessionClose c timeout
    13 StatSess     c 49409 0 1 1 0 0 0 244 290
     0 CLI            Rd "url.purge" "/spacer_thin.gif"
     0 CLI            Wr 0 200 PURGE /spacer_thin.gif

Here is another example that illustrates the same problem, but  
actually fetches the correct document from the backend web server. If  
the Host header is relocated to BEFORE the TE header, the Accept- 
Charset header vanishes instead, and the Host header goes through  
unmodified. This actually works, but we don't want to strip headers  
that should still be there.

    13 SessionOpen  c 49410
     0 ExpBan         121045866 was banned
    13 ReqStart     c 49410 121045868
    13 RxRequest    c GET
    13 RxURL        c /spacer_thin.gif
    13 RxProtocol   c HTTP/1.1
    13 RxHeader     c Referer: http://www.example.com/carchart/index.htm
    13 RxHeader     c Accept-Language: en-US,en;q=0.9
    13 RxHeader     c Accept-Encoding: deflate, gzip, x-gzip,  
identity, *;q=0
    13 RxHeader     c Cookie: X-Mapping- 
    13 RxHeader     c X-Cluster-Client-Ip:
    13 RxHeader     c Cookie2: $Version=1
    13 RxHeader     c Connection: Keep-Alive, TE
    13 RxHeader     c Accept: text/html, application/xml;q=0.9,  
application/xhtml+xml, image/png, image/jpeg, image/gif, image/x- 
xbitmap, */*;q=0.1
    13 RxHeader     c Host: www.example.com
    13 RxHeader     c TE: deflate, gzip, chunked, identity, trailers
    13 RxHeader     c Accept-Charset: iso-8859-1, utf-8, utf-16, *;q=0.1
    13 RxHeader     c User-Agent: Opera/9.51 (Windows NT 5.1; U; en)
    13 VCL_call     c recv
    13 VCL_return   c lookup
    13 VCL_call     c hash
    13 VCL_return   c hash
    13 VCL_call     c miss
    13 VCL_return   c fetch
    16 BackendOpen  b default 39798 80
    16 BackendXID   b 121045868
    13 Backend      c 16 default
    16 TxRequest    b GET
    16 TxURL        b /spacer_thin.gif
    16 TxProtocol   b HTTP/1.1
    16 TxHeader     b Referer: http://www.example.com/carchart/index.htm
    16 TxHeader     b Accept-Language: en-US,en;q=0.9
    16 TxHeader     b Accept-Encoding: deflate, gzip, x-gzip,  
identity, *;q=0
    16 TxHeader     b X-Cluster-Client-Ip:
    16 TxHeader     b Cookie2: $Version=1
    16 TxHeader     b Accept: text/html, application/xml;q=0.9,  
application/xhtml+xml, image/png, image/jpeg, image/gif, image/x- 
xbitmap, */*;q=0.1
    16 TxHeader     b Host: www.example.com
    16 TxHeader     b User-Agent: Opera/9.51 (Windows NT 5.1; U; en)
    16 TxHeader     b X-Varnish: 121045868
    16 TxHeader     b X-Forwarded-for:
    16 RxProtocol   b HTTP/1.1
    16 RxStatus     b 200
    16 RxResponse   b OK
    16 RxHeader     b Date: Thu, 14 Aug 2008 16:43:35 GMT
    16 RxHeader     b Server: Apache/2.0.52 (CentOS)
    16 RxHeader     b Last-Modified: Fri, 02 Feb 2007 02:57:20 GMT
    16 RxHeader     b ETag: "40d5-2b-808f4400"
    16 RxHeader     b Accept-Ranges: bytes
    16 RxHeader     b Content-Length: 43
    16 RxHeader     b Connection: close
    16 RxHeader     b Content-Type: image/gif
    13 ObjProtocol  c HTTP/1.1
    13 ObjStatus    c 200
    13 ObjResponse  c OK
    13 ObjHeader    c Date: Thu, 14 Aug 2008 16:43:35 GMT
    13 ObjHeader    c Server: Apache/2.0.52 (CentOS)
    13 ObjHeader    c Last-Modified: Fri, 02 Feb 2007 02:57:20 GMT
    13 ObjHeader    c ETag: "40d5-2b-808f4400"
    13 ObjHeader    c Content-Type: image/gif
    16 BackendClose b default
    13 TTL          c 121045868 RFC 1800 1218732215 1218732215 0 0 0
    13 VCL_call     c fetch
    13 VCL_return   c insert
    13 Length       c 43
    13 VCL_call     c deliver
    13 VCL_return   c deliver
    13 TxProtocol   c HTTP/1.1
    13 TxStatus     c 200
    13 TxResponse   c OK
    13 TxHeader     c Server: Apache/2.0.52 (CentOS)
    13 TxHeader     c Last-Modified: Fri, 02 Feb 2007 02:57:20 GMT
    13 TxHeader     c ETag: "40d5-2b-808f4400"
    13 TxHeader     c Content-Type: image/gif
    13 TxHeader     c Content-Length: 43
    13 TxHeader     c Date: Thu, 14 Aug 2008 16:43:35 GMT
    13 TxHeader     c X-Varnish: 121045868
    13 TxHeader     c Age: 0
    13 TxHeader     c Via: 1.1 varnish
    13 TxHeader     c Connection: keep-alive
    13 ReqEnd       c 121045868 1218732215.300252914  
1218732215.390639067 0.005183935 0.090335131 0.000051022
     0 StatAddr 0 182 4 4 0 0 2 1043 666
     0 ExpKill        121045866 -1218732216
    13 SessionClose c timeout
    13 StatSess     c 49410 0 1 1 0 0 1 277 43

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