is Varnish 2.0 beta1 supposed to compile/test on sol10?

Theo Schlossnagle jesus at
Fri Sep 5 00:11:43 CEST 2008

You likely need to specify -mt in your CFLAGS as Varnish is multi- 
threaded.  You'd need to do that with gcc too.

My build looks like:

CFLAGS="$CFLAGS -m64 -mt" \
LDFLAGS="$LDFLAGS -L/usr/sfw/lib/amd64 -R/usr/sfw/lib/amd64" \
CC=cc CXX=CC \
./configure [typical args]

On Sep 4, 2008, at 6:04 PM, Keith J Paulson wrote:

> I have tried Feature complete Varnish 2.0 Beta 1 on sol10 with gcc,  
> and
> sun's studio 12 compiler, and in neither case does it work.  With sun
> cc, latest results are:
> ===============================================
> 61 of 73 tests failed
> Please report to varnish-dev at
> ===============================================
> for which
> Assert error in varnish_ask_cli(), vtc_varnish.c line 97:
>  Condition(i == 0) not true.
> seems a significant cause (response not recieved?)
> One complete test:
> ./varnishtest -v  tests/b00002.vtc
> #    TEST tests/b00002.vtc starting
> #    TEST Check that a pass transaction works
> ##   s1   Starting server
> ###  s1   listen on (fd 3)
> ##   v1   Launch
> ###  v1   CMD: cd ../varnishd && ./varnishd -d -d -n /tmp/__v1 -a
> '' -T
> ##   s1   Started on
> ###  v1   opening CLI connection
> #### v1   debug| storage_file: filename: ./varnish.sUaWlN (unlinked)
> size 166 MB.\n
> #### v1   debug| mgt_child_inherit(4, storage_file)\n
> #### v1   debug| Using old SHMFILE\n
> #### v1   debug| Notice: locking SHMFILE in core failed: Not owner
> #### v1   debug| \n
> #### v1   debug| Debugging mode, enter "start" to start child\n
> ###  v1   CLI connection fd = 4
> #### v1   CLI TX| vcl.inline vcl1 "backend s1 { .host = \"\";
> .port = \"9080\"; }\n\n\tsub vcl_recv {\n\t\tpass;\n\t}\n"
> #### v1   CLI RX| VCL compiled.
> ###  v1   CLI STATUS 200
> #### v1   CLI TX| vcl.use vcl1
> ###  v1   CLI STATUS 200
> ##   v1   Start
> #### v1   CLI TX| start
> #### v1   debug| mgt_child_inherit(9, sock)\n
> #### v1   debug| mgt_child_inherit(10, cli_in
> #### v1   debug| )\n
> #### v1   debug| mgt_child_inherit(13, cli_out)\n
> #### v1   debug| child (20083
> #### v1   debug| ) Started\n
> #### v1   debug| mgt_child_inherit(
> Assert error in varnish_ask_cli(), vtc_varnish.c line 97:
>  Condition(i == 0) not true.
> Abort
> Any suggestions?
> Keith
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Theo Schlossnagle
OmniTI Computer Consulting, Inc.
Web Applications & Internet Architectures
w:   p: +1.443.325.1357 x201   f: +1.410.872.4911

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