is Varnish 2.0 beta1 supposed to compile/test on sol10?

Theo Schlossnagle jesus at
Fri Sep 5 05:06:11 CEST 2008

Looks like:

REPORT(LOG_ERR, "mgt_child_inherit(%d, %s)", fd, what);

In mgt_child_inherit(int fd, const char *what) in bin/varnishd/ 

is throwing a wrench in the management communication channel.  Not  
sure how this doesn't break all platforms though.  If ou comment that  
line out, all tests pass (at least for me).

On Sep 4, 2008, at 6:38 PM, Keith J Paulson wrote:

> Theo,
> I had used a slightly different line, but did have the -mt; I repeated
> the config/build with your example and still have 61 FAILs.
> Keith
> Theo Schlossnagle wrote:
>> You likely need to specify -mt in your CFLAGS as Varnish is
>> multi-threaded.  You'd need to do that with gcc too.
>> My build looks like:
>> CFLAGS="$CFLAGS -m64 -mt" \
>> LDFLAGS="$LDFLAGS -L/usr/sfw/lib/amd64 -R/usr/sfw/lib/amd64" \
>> CC=cc CXX=CC \
>> ./configure [typical args]
>> On Sep 4, 2008, at 6:04 PM, Keith J Paulson wrote:
>>> I have tried Feature complete Varnish 2.0 Beta 1 on sol10 with  
>>> gcc, and
>>> sun's studio 12 compiler, and in neither case does it work.  With  
>>> sun
>>> cc, latest results are:
>>> ===============================================
>>> 61 of 73 tests failed
>>> Please report to varnish-dev at
>>> ===============================================
>>> for which
>>> Assert error in varnish_ask_cli(), vtc_varnish.c line 97:
>>> Condition(i == 0) not true.
>>> seems a significant cause (response not recieved?)
>>> One complete test:
>>> ./varnishtest -v  tests/b00002.vtc
>>> #    TEST tests/b00002.vtc starting
>>> #    TEST Check that a pass transaction works
>>> ##   s1   Starting server
>>> ###  s1   listen on (fd 3)
>>> ##   v1   Launch
>>> ###  v1   CMD: cd ../varnishd && ./varnishd -d -d -n /tmp/__v1 -a
>>> '' -T
>>> ##   s1   Started on
>>> ###  v1   opening CLI connection
>>> #### v1   debug| storage_file: filename: ./varnish.sUaWlN (unlinked)
>>> size 166 MB.\n
>>> #### v1   debug| mgt_child_inherit(4, storage_file)\n
>>> #### v1   debug| Using old SHMFILE\n
>>> #### v1   debug| Notice: locking SHMFILE in core failed: Not owner
>>> #### v1   debug| \n
>>> #### v1   debug| Debugging mode, enter "start" to start child\n
>>> ###  v1   CLI connection fd = 4
>>> #### v1   CLI TX| vcl.inline vcl1 "backend s1 { .host =  
>>> \"\";
>>> .port = \"9080\"; }\n\n\tsub vcl_recv {\n\t\tpass;\n\t}\n"
>>> #### v1   CLI RX| VCL compiled.
>>> ###  v1   CLI STATUS 200
>>> #### v1   CLI TX| vcl.use vcl1
>>> ###  v1   CLI STATUS 200
>>> ##   v1   Start
>>> #### v1   CLI TX| start
>>> #### v1   debug| mgt_child_inherit(9, sock)\n
>>> #### v1   debug| mgt_child_inherit(10, cli_in
>>> #### v1   debug| )\n
>>> #### v1   debug| mgt_child_inherit(13, cli_out)\n
>>> #### v1   debug| child (20083
>>> #### v1   debug| ) Started\n
>>> #### v1   debug| mgt_child_inherit(
>>> Assert error in varnish_ask_cli(), vtc_varnish.c line 97:
>>> Condition(i == 0) not true.
>>> Abort
>>> Any suggestions?
>>> Keith
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>>> varnish-dev at
>> -- 
>> Theo Schlossnagle
>> Principal/CEO
>> OmniTI Computer Consulting, Inc.
>> Web Applications & Internet Architectures
>> w:   p: +1.443.325.1357 x201   f: +1.410.872.4911
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Theo Schlossnagle
OmniTI Computer Consulting, Inc.
Web Applications & Internet Architectures
w:   p: +1.443.325.1357 x201   f: +1.410.872.4911

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