Logging and Statistics

Paul Millar p.millar at physics.gla.ac.uk
Fri Apr 10 23:47:18 CEST 2009

Hi Raghavan,

On Thursday 09 April 2009 17:33:15 vijayaraghavan.subramaniam at wipro.com wrote:
> I'm using varnish server.  I want to write varnishncsa log information into
> database,  what is best practices & Is there any varnish API available to
> write into database?

At the risk of promoting my own project, have you looked at MonAMI?


There's a monitoring plugin for taking log information from varnish and a 
reporting plugin for logging data into MySQL.

The tutorial culminates with logging monitoring data into a database (albeit 
from a different monitoring plugin) and the userguide gives a detailed 
information on how to configure MonAMI.



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