name changes for the upcoming 4.0

Per Buer perbu at
Mon Dec 5 13:45:03 CET 2011

On Mon, Dec 5, 2011 at 1:38 PM, Poul-Henning Kamp <phk at> wrote:
> In message <4EDCA9C8.2030300 at>, Geoff Simmons writes:
> >> 1) grace
> >>
> >> The Squid people call this stale-while-revalidate which I think is an
> >> OK name. It tells us a lot more than what grace does.
> >>
> >> 3) keep
> I'd tend to say that I think 'grace' and 'keep' are pretty spot on,
> but that 'saint' was more of a joke than a serious bid, but we
> simply couldn't come up with anything better at the time.

For _us_ it makes perfect sense. But for someone who isn't familiar
with the concept "grace" doesn't carry much meaning. Being graceful is
something that is rather hard to say no to. Serving content that is
stale however, is something quite a lot of people would object to and
I think it should be better reflected in the naming.

Per Buer
Phone: +47 21 98 92 61 / Mobile: +47 958 39 117 / Skype: per.buer
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