puzzle about unset req.http.cookie

Andrea Campi andrea.campi at zephirworks.com
Mon Jun 20 10:47:52 CEST 2011

2011/6/20  <yangxu4000 at sina.com>:
>  Hello everyone,
> I do not know where to ask my question  so I send it here. thanks everyone.
> I hava questions about  req.http.cookie:
> I see some configuration on google like this:
> if(req.url ~ ".(js|css|jpg|png|gif|swf|jpeg|ico)$){
> unset req.http.cookie;
> }
> it says if images have cookie,It can not be cached.
> but I do not set this in my configuration, I still saw CACHE-HIT
> (resp.http.X-Cache = "CACHE-HIT") in http response.
> anyone could explain  this?

You probably have something else in your VCL that allows caching.
Send the whole VCL, we can't just guess.


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