varnishncsa outage

Jean-Baptiste Quenot jbq at
Thu Sep 8 09:58:32 CEST 2011

2011/9/8 Tollef Fog Heen <tfheen at>:
> | > That code isn't correct with user-specifiable fields, so it should
> | > probably just be removed.
> |
> | What do you mean with user-specifiable fields?  Since I did that
> | change (and the broken header patch) varnishncsa did not crash at all.
> Using the -F format.

I do use the -F command-line option.  Usually when user-specified
fields are missing, it is replaced with a hyphen: "-".  This is fine,
except for very important fields like request method, protocol
version, path and status, hence the verification.

So I gave a try, ran telnet on varnish http port and typed a slash
followed by two newlines.  Here is the result:

   12 SessionOpen  c 57867 :80
   12 Debug        c herding
   12 SessionClose c junk
   12 ReqStart     c 57867 1750343256
   12 HttpGarbage  c /

   12 ReqEnd       c 1750343256 1315468371.652468920
1315468371.652515173 0.640084982 nan nan
   12 StatSess     c 57867 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0

As you can see there is no RxRequest tag so df_m is not set.
Varnishncsa crashed, as expected.
Jean-Baptiste Quenot

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