experimental-ims and varnishncsa

Jocelyn De La Rosa jocelyn.delarosa at smartjog.com
Fri Jul 13 16:53:46 CEST 2012

On 07/06/2012 02:10 PM, Kristian Lyngstol wrote:
> On Fri, Jun 22, 2012 at 07:19:41PM +0200, Geoff Simmons wrote:
>> On 6/22/12 10:44 AM, Kristian Lyngstol wrote:
>>> I ran across a bug in the experimental-ims branch that's evident in
>>> varnishncsa:
>>> experimental-ims:
>>> - - [15/Jun/2012:19:13:42 -0300] "-
>>> http://localhost-HTTP/1.0" 0 "-" "-"
>>> vanilla:
>>> - - [13/Jun/2012:16:06:00 -0300] "GET
>>> http://test.com/test.jpgHTTP/1.1" 200 0 "-" "Mozilla/5.0 (X11;
>>> Ubuntu; Linux i686; rv:12.0)
>>> I've tracked it down to the commit
>>> f7dbf53eb01d26170f6c4bafd3f0a50d00444dc5 which is a PHK-commit.
>>> Any chance you could take a look? Given that it's obviously a
>>> merge-related bug it seems somewhat time consuming to track down
>>> without intimate knowledge of the IMS-branch.
>> Sure, I'll have a look on the weekend. Thanks for figuring out the
>> commit, makes the search much easier.
> Did you find some time for this issue by any chance?
> - Kristian
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Hi, I had time to investigate the problem. It existed in the master branch for the commit
and was fixed 3 commits later (9a63616cb869286a0a3f8139f8f0f1205ad87e80)
So I cherry picked the 3 patches and added some change so it works.

Here are the 3 patches.


Jocelyn De La Rosa - Developer, Research&  Engineering
SmartJog | www.smartjog.com
27 Blvd Hippolyte Marquès, 94200 Ivry-sur-Seine, France

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