[PATCHES] Fix build errors and sandbox bugs in the Solaris port

Geoff Simmons geoff at uplex.de
Thu Jul 19 14:47:57 CEST 2012

Hello all,

The three enclosed patches from slink (who sends his best wishes)
correct build errors and sandbox (privilege separation) bugs in the
Solaris port, to be applied to the current master branch.

0001: Fixes a compile error (incorrect signature for SES_Delete() in

0002: portable cast from thread_id to (void *) in varnishreplay.c

0003: implements Solaris privilege separation for running vcc/cc
(without which the VCL-/C-Compiler was failing)

With these patches, I get all of make check except for v00017 to pass.

** * * UPLEX - Nils Goroll Systemoptimierung

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Name: 0002-portable-cast-from-thread_id-to-void.patch
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Name: 0003-since-vcc-cc-are-running-with-privilege-seperation-n.patch
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