[PATCH 02/13] Create and use a smp_signspace structure to have range checking on the growing signed data structures.

Martin Blix Grydeland martin at varnish-software.com
Fri Sep 28 15:42:48 CEST 2012

Review comments:


I guess this is really a manifestation of the fact that smp_sign should
> not be used as a space-handle in the first place, so what we really
> should do is add:
>         struct smp_space {
>                 uint64_t        first;
>                 uint64_t        len;
>                 uint64_t        last;
>                 struct smp_sign sign;
>         }

Changes done:

Added a smp_signspace struct that contains a sign and has ranges.

Martin Blix Grydeland
Varnish Software AS
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