[PATCH] fix build with --enable-developer-warnings and gcc3.4

Federico Schwindt fgsch at lodoss.net
Mon Jan 20 21:47:50 CET 2014

On Mon, Jan 20, 2014 at 6:37 PM, Nils Goroll <slink at schokola.de> wrote:

> [..]
>  I was looking at your diff I don't understand the
>> -Wno-missing-field-initializers vs -Wno-extra. If the compiler doesn't
>> support
>> the former why add the -Wno-extra instead of just not adding
>> -Wno-missing... ?
> Hm, your question seems to contain the answer ;)
> If the compiler does not support -Wno-missing-field-initializers, we
> can't use -Wno-missing-field-initializers, so we have to use -Wno-extra

And answering to myself: to silence the otherwise warning added by -Wextra.
Because -Werror is there.

> [..]
>> So both checks are doing the same. Can you share the config.log?
> Notice that gcc is invoked with -c for the first and -o for the second
> case. It's no surprise to me that the second test only fails on an exotic
> OS (read: OpenSolaris) :P

You are absolutely right, missed that.

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