[PATCH] Streaming and Content-Length

Nils Goroll slink at schokola.de
Thu Jun 26 21:47:46 CEST 2014


here's the first set of patches to address #1506. These do not cover
Range-Requests yet, but these should be easy to address once we got this first
set in.

PATCH 1/4 is a prerequisite for the next patch. It contains what is required to
test for premature shutdown of client connections by Varnish, handling for
bodies longer than the available buffer in varnishtest plus a reduction of the
number of read calls.

PATCH 2/4 is the actual first fix for #1506

PATCH 3/4 adds an assertion to VBO_DerefBusyObj which I found helpful during
testing. *pbo = NULL is delayed until after the test for the case pbo = &oc->busyobj

PATCH 4/4 addresses races I have observed with objcore->busyobj bering set to
NULL while being accessed

Reviews appreciated

Thanks, Nils
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