stack vs workspace for pcre and others #1576

Nils Goroll slink at
Tue Sep 2 21:24:51 CEST 2014

On 02/09/14 20:06, Federico Schwindt wrote:
> What you mean not a disadvantage? Are you by any means suggesting to bundle pcre
> with Varnish?

If it saved considerable amounts of per-thread memory then I'd consider the option.

Or, alternatively, realize that we need a larg-ish stack anyway and (re)adjust
the rest of the code following this insight.

> There is also this somewhat worrisome comment in the docs: PCRE runs noticeably
> more slowly when built in this way.

I thought the docs were referring to pcre_malloc and pcre_free pointing to
malloc() and free(), respectively and I'd expect the overhead to be not that
significant if we implemented pcre_malloc as moving the free pointer of a
workspace (pcre_free probably could be a noop).

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