[PATCH] Add "hash_always_expire" option to treat any existing objects as expired

Jingyi Wei jyw at epochtimes.com
Thu Mar 12 01:01:10 CET 2015


I am adding a "hash_always_expire" option in varnish 4.0 branch to treat
any existing objects as expired. This can be used to refresh an object
by triggering a background fetch, and remove the previous object when
bgfetch finishes. Also this will not perform bgfetch if varnish is
currently fetching the same object.

This is like an improved option as hash_always_miss, because
hash_always_miss does not remove the old object, and block the refresh
script. The usage is the same: set req.hash_always_expire = true in
vcl_recv. Is it ok to add it? Any comments?

Jingyi Wei

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