[PATCH] (against 4.0.3) for response status 204, like 304, set the wantbody flag to false and remove the Content-Length header

Geoff Simmons geoff at uplex.de
Sun Oct 11 20:31:46 CEST 2015

Hello all,

This patch is a one-liner that resolves issue #1761 for 4.0.3. We were
intermittently getting responses with status 204 that were
chunked-encoded with a single chunk of length 0, but a 204 response
should have no body at all. We haven't seen the error since the patch
was applied.

phk's patch was against trunk at the time, well into the development for
4.1, and couldn't be backported to 4.0.3.

So if there are any further maintenance releases for 4.0.x, I suggest
that this patch be included.

** * * UPLEX - Nils Goroll Systemoptimierung

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