Hello Developers,<br><br>I am using Varnish 2.x on Drupal 6. I want to debug the VCL file, and see at what point what all information I get so that I may code what I want.<br>I am at a subroutine vcl_recv, and have a request object "req", but how can i know what all information does this object contain.<br>
Is there anything like print_r for PHP where I can see all the information contained in that object either on terminal or in logs.<br>I have tested varnishlog, but no good, also checked syslog, where i was able to print static content, but not the complete object.<br>
<br>Also, whatever I have been able to grab from the net, I also have a feeling that we have some static set of variables, if so, where Can i find the complete list ?<br><br>Awaiting some help ...<br clear="all"><br>-- <br>
Regards,<br>Vaibhav Jain<br>