Varnish 2.0.3 RPM packages for Redhat EL 5

Ingvar Hagelund ingvar.hagelund at
Tue Feb 24 23:45:41 CET 2009

* Fredrik Nygren
> > Is it possible to download Varnish 2.0.3 rpm's for Redhat EL5? If so
> > from where?

* Cherife
> If you've got an RHEL subscription, just ask Redhat.
> If not, you could package Varnish of your own.

Not actually correct. Varnish is not (at least not yet) an official part of RHEL, so you can not download it from any RHEL channel. But it is available from the Fedora EPEL (Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux) project. So if you let your system subscribe to the EPEL repos, you can install it with up2date (RHEL4) or yum (RHEL5). Varnish is of course also available in Fedora.

For instructions on how to add EPEL to your RHEL system, see


Ingvar Hagelund
Senior systems consultant
Redpill Linpro AS

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