Assertion error in ev_now()

Lennart Regebro regebro at
Thu Nov 16 17:26:40 CET 2006

On 11/16/06, Lennart Regebro <regebro at> wrote:
> On 11/16/06, Lennart Regebro <regebro at> wrote:
> > Assert error in ev_now(), mgt_event.c line 81:
> > Condition(clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC,&ts) == 0) not true.
> >
> > Very weird. Varnish installed fine on the preproduction machine, and
> > this production machine is supposed to be reasonably similar...
> I copied the installation from teh preproduction to the production,
> and got the same error, so it's not from a difference in compilation,
> but a difference in the environment, either OS, libraries or hardware.
> But I have no idea what. Any ideas welcome.

New adventures in Varnish: Turns out the machines have wildly
differing Linux versions. vs 2.4.31. Could that be the
difference? 2.4... that's pretty old.

Lennart Regebro, Nuxeo
CPS Content Management

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