log files

Damien Wetzel dwetzel at nerim.net
Wed Apr 4 15:51:16 CEST 2007

Denis Brækhus writes:
 > ----- Damien Wetzel <dwetzel at nerim.net> wrote:

 > And you do have that information, however not in the ncsa logs, due to the fact that the combined logformat does not have a field for that.. 

--> at the contrary of ncsa logs ,w3c logs are extensible, parametrable and allow the
addition of such a field.

 > Use varnishlog for that information.
 > > For me ESI are so web 1.0 , now the tendency is to deport the
 > > personalisation on the client side.
 > Eh.. If you do believe that all web applications from this day on will be javascript apps where all the content handling is on the client side, good for you. Personally I think there will be a large number of sites / applications where that will not apply. If we can have ESI in Varnish that sounds like an excellent feature to me. We might or might not use it, depending on the work to be done.

Everyone can have its own opinion, mine is that the server side should do a minimum of
work and let the client do it if possible ;)

 > Writing it off as "web 1.0" isn't very constructive. 

 > Regards
 > -- 
 > Denis Braekhus - Teknisk Ansvarlig ABC Startsiden AS
 > http://www.startsiden.no

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