varnish anti DOS feature

Damien Wetzel dwetzel at
Tue Apr 24 10:49:57 CEST 2007

Hello all,
Coming from the CDN space, one of the main reasons that
makes people giving up extraordinary amount of money to CDNs is
to prevent against DOS.
I wondered if you have thought about protecting varnish against DOS
when designing it or if you will ?
Best regards,
Damien WETZEL                                   ("`-/")_.-'"``-._
ATANAR TECHNOLOGIES                              . . `; -._    )-;-,_`)
                                               (v_,)'  _  )`-.\  ``-'
Phone:+33 1 45 43 02 90                        _.- _..-_/ / ((.'
- So much to do, so little time -            ((,.-'   ((,/            

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