Gzip issues with Varnish

Denis Brækhus denis at startsiden.no
Mon Apr 30 17:38:11 CEST 2007

----- Dag-Erling Smørgrav <des at linpro.no> wrote:
> Denis Brækhus <denis at startsiden.no> writes:
> Yes, this is exactly what will happen, because Varnish does not yet
> understand the Vary: header which the server uses to indicate that
> the document it returns can vary depending on request headers.

I forgot to mention that it was of course DES who solved the issue for us.

> > We "solved" the issue by disabling gzip on the backend until
> > Varnish will handle this properly. For us the sacrifice in bandwidth
> > savings was more than negligible when we take into consideration
> > application server performance.
> Unfortunately, for some applications, the bandwidth savings are
> considerable...  which is why Vary: handling is very high on our
> priority list.  We expect to have it working in trunk within a couple
> of months.

Yes I know, that's why i said "for us" :) And I would of course love to have both a speedy appserver and gzipped transfers.
Meanwhile I think this is an issue sites using Varnish should be aware of. And Aftenposten should probably fix their setup..

Denis Braekhus - Teknisk Ansvarlig ABC Startsiden AS

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