docs, howto and best practices

Ingvar Hagelund ingvar.hagelund at
Fri Aug 24 22:59:38 CEST 2007

* Sébastien FOUTREL
> I'am relatively new to varnish, but the more I use it, the more I like it.
> There is only a black point on my pleasure.
> There is not enough docs available.
> I browsed the web site and google and did not find enough meat to feed my beast.
> Where can I find vcl languages docs (apart man pages) ?
> Could you please give me your ressources on Varnish.
> I'am ready to use it and, if developers are ok, to feed the wiki to help other people like me.
> Thank You,

Hello, Sébastien

Unfortunately, there is still quite a lack of more fleshy documentation
than the man pages. John Buswell wrote a nice article in issue #6 of
o3magazine. It's available online at . It includes some
starting point vcl code and some general advice. You should start with
that article and the man pages, and then be welcome to return to the
mailing list for more help.


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