Problem with varnish and caching

Denis Brækhus denis at
Tue Jul 3 11:36:51 CEST 2007

----- Anup Shukla <anup at> wrote:
> Manuel Amador (Rudd-O) wrote:
> > site is cached according to Varnish default policies.  You have not
> > provided a single counterexample or a single snippet of VCL that
> > could solve the problems I have, or a single snippet of VCL that you guys
> > are actually using on production servers.
> "man vcl" does provide an example about how to cache even if Cookies
> are present. 
> Did i miss something?

Yeah, I think you missed the fact that Manuel isn't really interested in anything else than spewing out insults and bulls*** on the list. Nothing to see / hear here people move on, just an angry troll.

Denis Braekhus - Teknisk Ansvarlig ABC Startsiden AS

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