Problems with varnish 1.1 and obj.status

Thomas Westlund thomas.westlund at
Mon Jul 23 14:20:20 CEST 2007


I've just uppgraded to varnish 1.1

The upgrade worked just fine and varnish started with my old vcl-file without problems.

However when I added the following to sub vcl_fetch {}

if (obj.status == 404) {
} else {
	set obj.ttl = 900s;

Varnish fails at restart with the following response:

Starting varnishd.
Problem loading compiled VCL program:
./bin.U5BscB9E: Undefined symbol "VRT_r_obj_status"

If I remove the "if (obj.status == 404)" statement everything works just fine.

Thomas Westlund

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