Conditional GETs

Ricardo Newbery ric at
Sun Jul 29 12:19:39 CEST 2007

On Jul 29, 2007, at 2:10 AM, Dag-Erling Smørgrav wrote:

> Ricardo Newbery <ric at> writes:
>> Since Varnish respects the maxage controls, this implies that when  
>> the
>> next request comes in after expiry it will generate a conditional
>> request (if Last-Modified is set) to refresh it's cache.  Correct?
> No, at present it will generate an unconditional request because the
> expired version will already have been removed from the cache.

Okay.  I think I'm getting a better handle on this now.  Thanks for  
your patience.

One more question regarding conditional requests:

What happens when a client sends a conditional request (either INM or  
IMS) and the content is not available in the Varnish cache?  I assume  
that Varnish will just relay the original conditional request through  
to the backend.  But then what happens when the backend responds with  
a 304?  I'm guessing Varnish won't cache a response until a non-304  
is returned.  Correct?


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