
jean-marc pouchoulon jean-marc.pouchoulon at ac-montpellier.fr
Tue Sep 25 08:20:37 CEST 2007

> Use-cases differ of course, but I'm partial to the other way around.  
> Put Apache in front of Varnish and Varnish in front of Zope.  And if 
> you need load balancing, insert something like Pound between Varnish 
> and the Zeo clients (although there is some work in Varnish trunk to 
> add load balancing).  This configuration frees up Apache to serve 
> other stuff besides the Varnish cached content.
IMHO apache perf cannot rivalize with varnish , that's why I put them  
behind varnish. We have differents applications (differents apache) and 
varnish regex are sufficient to switch the traffic.
Apache 2.2 (load balancing + mod_rewrite) is used to do load balancing 
on ZEO .In our case there are also hardware compression and load 
balancing in front of varnish.

but "Use-cases differ of course" and there are many good solutions and  
I am not using plone


> Ric

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