Varnish Performance Issue

Poul-Henning Kamp phk at
Wed Dec 3 11:13:07 CET 2008

In message <75cf5800812022248n6704cef5k44ea4ba44876a31c at>, "Paras
 Fadte" writes:

>I am faced with following performace issue with respect to Varnish.
>Load on Varnish increases suddenly at times. When this happens ,
>"varnishhist" shows a high number of misses and the cache hit ratio
>decreases and the response time  increases.

I think this sounds pretty normal, try examining the traffic pattern
and see if coincides with the arrival of robots/spiders at your

If you want to, you can return a temporary error in vcl_miss if the
user-agent indicates a robot or spider, that way they don't pull
your entire site content into the cache.


Poul-Henning Kamp       | UNIX since Zilog Zeus 3.20
phk at FreeBSD.ORG         | TCP/IP since RFC 956
FreeBSD committer       | BSD since 4.3-tahoe    
Never attribute to malice what can adequately be explained by incompetence.

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