Little question about the releases of Varnish

Damien Sarazin damien.sarazin at
Fri Jun 20 18:40:50 CEST 2008


i am new to Varnish and i have some questions about the differents 
versions. First i installed the 1.1.2 release with the .deb packages but 
i browsed the mail list, and i saw many answers where people where were 
advising to install a newer version from the svn.

In fact i would like to use Varnish as a reverse proxy on a backend with 
several apache virtual hosts. I also need to be able to retrieve the 
logs for each virtual host on the backend so that i can process them 
with awstats.

My question is : should i continue to work with the 1.1.2 release or is 
the 1.2 version stable enough so i can use this last one ?

Sincerely yours,

Damien S.

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