Specification out of date?

Ricardo Newbery ric at digitalmarbles.com
Thu Mar 20 02:32:39 CET 2008

 From previous discussions on this list, I've been operating on the  
understanding that Varnish ignores all Cache-Control tokens in the  
response except for max-age and s-maxage.  But the following snippet  
from the varnish specification document seems to suggest otherwise.   
Does this document need to be updated or is the intent still to  
implement this in the future?  Specifically, are there plans for  
Varnish to support 'public', 'private', and 'no-cache' tokens?

 From varnish-doc/en/varnish-specification/article.xml ...


A request which includes authentication headers must not
be served from cache.

Varnish must interpret Cache-Control directives received
from content servers as follows:

public: the document will be cached even if
authentication headers are present.

private: the document will not be cached, since
Varnish is a shared cache.

no-cache: the document will not be cached.

no-store: XXX

s-maxage: overrides max-age, since Varnish is a
shared cache.

max-age: overrides the Expires header.

min-fresh: ignored.

max-stale: ignored.

only-if-cached: ignored.

must-revalidate: as specified in RFC2616 §14.9.4.

proxy-revalidate: as must-revalidate.

no-transform: ignored.

Varnish must ignore Cache-Control directives received
from clients.


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