Second and subsequent ESI includes not cached
JT Justman
jt at
Fri May 9 20:47:01 CEST 2008
Hello, Varnish folks! I am currently in the process of testing the ESI
features of Varnish. I have discovered that if I place more than one
<esi:inclide> on a document, any includes beyond the first are inserted
to the cache, but never hit on subsequent requests. I have tried to
determine if this is caused by something in my configuration but have
been unable to locate anything. I have distilled my test case down to
something which ought to be reproducible.
We are running varnish-trunk, latest revision within a week or so.
ESI is being triggered off the filename, for simplicity sake, as such:
sub vcl_fetch {
remove obj.http.Set-Cookie;
if (req.url ~ "esi\.html$") {
varnish is being tested by several users on the server simultaneously,
using different non-privileged usernames and instance names (via -n).
See attached:
1) varnish_esi_case.txt, showing the contents of the source files,
detailed headers for all objects. Demonstrates that on two subsequent
requests, the max-age on the second include is not honored
2) varnish_varnishlog_output.txt, showing the output of varnishlog
(excliding ping/PONG) though a purge, and then both requests to the
ESI-enabled document.
An observation, which could easily be a mis-correlation: second and
subsequent requests for esi fragments are logged with an 'XID' of '0'. I
do not know if this is intentional or perhaps indicative of the
underlying problem.
Thanks for any insight you can provide!
JT Justman
End Point Corporation
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