when a backend in a director is stopped varnish is no longer responding ( 2.0 beta1)

jean-marc pouchoulon jeanmarc.pouchoulon at gmail.com
Fri Sep 19 23:34:43 CEST 2008


I configured varnish (64bits server)  with two  backends as a director:

backend www2 {
     .host = "XX.XX.XX.XX";
     .port = "80";
     .probe = {
                .url = "/";
                .timeout = 2s;
                .interval = 5s;
                .window = 2;
                .threshold = 1;

backend www2 {
     .host = "XX.XX.XX.XX";
     .port = "80";
     .probe = {
                .request =
                "GET / HTTP/1.1"
                "Host: www...."
                "Connection: close";
                .timeout = 500ms;
                .interval = 5s;
                .window = 2;
                .threshold = 1;

director www_director random{
    { .backend = www1; .weight = 2; }
    { .backend = www2; .weight=1; }
sub vcl_recv {

     set req.grace = 30s;

     if (req.url ~ "/pub") {
                if (req.restarts == 0) {
                       set req.backend = pub8;
                } else {
                       set req.backend = pub6;
     } else {
                set req.backend = www_director;

     if (req.http.Cookie ~ "www1\...." && req.http.Cookie ~ "auth_id=" ) {
                                 set req.backend = www1;
     if (req.http.Cookie ~ "www2\...." && req.http.Cookie ~ "auth_id=" ) {
                                 set req.backend = www2;

When I stopped one of the backend, varnish is no longer responding.
I can see clearly in varnishlog  that the backend regards to ill state 
but the failover is not working.

A telnet on port 80 of varnish didn't work either.
ReLauching the backend and varnish restarts working.
Using a vcl.conf without director is working ( The polling detects the 
fail of the backend)

thanks for your help



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