rotating the varnishncsa log file

Chris Johnson cjohnson at
Tue Sep 23 01:44:38 CEST 2008

Thank you for your replies Raymond and Nathan.

Can you possibly shed some light on the " /usr/sbin/invoke-rc.d"  
part?  Read on for more context...

I want to use logrotate to rotate the varnish log files.  I found the  
file (/home/username/varnish-1.1.1/debian/varnish.logrotate)  
containing the following:
/var/log/varnish/varnish.log {
  rotate 7
    /usr/sbin/invoke-rc.d varnishlog reload > /dev/null

However, we are using varnishncsa and not varnishlog. Running "ps aux  
| grep varnish" yields:
/opt/varnish/bin/varnishncsa -a -c -w /var/log/varnish.log

Is setting up logrotate for varnishncsa as simple as changing the  
invoke-rc.d line of the logrotate file to be:
    /usr/sbin/invoke-rc.d varnishncsa reload > /dev/null

If so, how to pass in the ncsa commandline parameters?

Thanks for any guidance.

On Sep 5, 2008, at 10:39 AM, Nathan Kinkade wrote:

> 2008/9/4 Chris Johnson <cjohnson at>:
>> Does anyone successfully have logrotate working with varnishncsa?
>> Thanks,
>> Chrs
> Below is the solution I came up with.  The lastaction part may not be
> necessary for anyone else, but on occasion it seemed to be necessary
> for us, and rather than spending much time looking into the underlying
> cause I'm okay with this solution.
> Nathan
> /etc/logrotate.d/varnish
> ===========================
> /var/log/varnish/varnish.log {
>  daily
>  rotate 52
>  compress
>  create
>  delaycompress
>  dateext
>  postrotate
>    /usr/sbin/invoke-rc.d varnishlog reload > /dev/null
>    DATE=$(date +%Y%m%d)
>    VDIR=/var/log/varnish
>    # varnishlog or varnishncsa(??) seems to produce a lot of entries
> that are null,
>    # the grep -v in the middle just attempts to eliminate them
>    /usr/bin/ionice -c3 /usr/bin/varnishncsa -r
> $VDIR/varnish.log-$DATE | grep -v '^- - -' | gzip >
> $VDIR/varnish.log-$DATE.gz && rm $VDIR/varnish.log-
>  endscript
>  lastaction
>    # Sometimes, for reasons that I can't explain, varnishlog stops
> logging after
>    # rotation.  The new log just sits there at 0 bytes and it takes  
> a reload to
>    # make it start logging again.  It could be some complex timing  
> issue, but
>    # hopefully just adding one last restart of varnishlog will be  
> enough.
>    /usr/sbin/invoke-rc.d varnishlog force-reload > /dev/null
>  endscript
> }
> ===========================

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