Varnish, Plone and Apache2

Charlie Farinella cfarinella at
Wed Jan 21 22:50:17 CET 2009

I have one site running Plone with lighttpd and Varnish that I set up as 
documented here:

I have now been asked to set up others substituting Apache2 for lighttpd 
by the developers, but haven't been able to find such detailed 
instructions for Apache2.  I believe I just need to find the Apache 
equivalent for this line from lighttpd.conf:

proxy.server = ( "/VirtualHostBase/" => (
        ( "host" => "" , "port" => 6081 ) )

To my understanding something has to listen on port 80, send the request 
to Varnish, which then either serves from the cache or sends the request 
on to the Zope (Plone) port.

If anyone knows offhand or has some experience with this I'd like to hear 
from you.  Is Apache a bad choice for this? 

Charles Farinella 
Appropriate Solutions, Inc. (
cfarinella at
voice: 603.924.6079   fax: 603.924.8668

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