What is Age header in varnish

Tim Kientzle tim at metaweb.com
Wed Jan 28 01:30:41 CET 2009

> Abhishek Singh <abhishek.rhce at gmail.com> writes:
>> Can anyone please explain that why Age header is changing on every  
>> refresh
>> while i set "set obj.ttl" for 1 week and is the use of Age header.  
>> Is there
>> anything that i have to modify in my varnish config file to cache  
>> index.php.
>> please suggest something.

If I understand correctly, the "Age" header is set by Varnish
to indicate how long the file has been in the cache.  It is
supposed to change on each request.

Why do you think index.php is not being cached?
Have you checked your webserver logs?

Tim Kientzle

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