make check fails most tests on Ubuntu 8.10 : missing dependency?

Dave Llopis davel at
Sat Jul 11 01:07:20 CEST 2009

I'm trying to install either 2.04 or trunk on Ubuntu Intrepid, but
almost all the "make check" tests are failing,
all (or at least most) of which seem to fail like this:

  Assert error in varnish_start(), vtc_varnish.c line 329:
    Condition(u == CLIS_OK) not true.

I'm running a base install of Intrepid, with just the few packages I
think are required for varnish:
ncurses-term, automake, libtool, make, and their dependencies.

The output of, configure, make, and make check is half a
megabyte, so I'm posting it elsewhere rather including it here:

Any ideas?

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