varnishd runtime parameters

Tung Nguyen tnguyen at
Wed Mar 25 19:49:10 CET 2009

Hi guys,

So sometimes are backend is really slow in returning a response.  So
slow that it looks like it
is causing varnish to timeout before the backend does and so varnish
seems to eventually give up
and returns a 503.

Ther are 4 curl requests
* the first 2 timeout and give a 503
* the 3rd one is a hit miss but gives a 200
* the 4th one is a cache hit and gives a 200

Here's the varnishlog filtered for client requests

Here's varnishstat

Here's are current startup run time parameters options right now:

So, Im pretty certain what is happening is that our backend takes too
long and varnish times
out.  How can I set the time out higher... is it sess_timeout?

Thanks guys,

On Wed, Mar 25, 2009 at 10:37 AM, Tung Nguyen <tnguyen at>wrote:

> Kristian, thank you.
> Im glad to hear that most defaults are good.
> Yup, the default thread_pool_min = 1 seems kinda funny.  We'll set it to at
> least 100.
> I didnt even know about the cli_timeout and will set it to a base line of
> 10 seconds to test.
> Im wondering how you are testing, Im using ab, apachebench, to see how
> things behave with -c 10 -n 1000, on the varnished pages.
> Here's more specific questions more run time parameters.  The general
> question I have is what to look for during testing, should I be looking at
> your varnishstat and are the most important things to look for in that
> output.
> Our varnish stack will look like this:
> LB -> Varnish x 2 -> Nginx x 6 -> Mongrel x 60
> Some questions about how best to decide how to configure them best to
> configure the run time parameters.
> -p obj_workspace=4096
> Cant find obj_workspace in the man page but found it in the twitter email
> post
> Is obj_workspace how much space preallocated to be used for the obj that
> gets returned from the backend?  So, if my nginx backend returns a web page
> that is over 4MB than -p obj_workspace is not enough, would that crash
> varnish, or log the error somewhere.
> -p sess_workspace=262144
> Same deal here with the man page and twitter post.
> What is the sess_workspace?
> http_workspace
> How does sess_workspace and obj_workspace relate to http_workspace?
> If we use obj_workspace=4096 and sess_workspace=262144, does the default
> http_workspace=8192 make sense?
> -p lru_interval=60
> Shows up on the twitter post again, but no man notes yet.  Whats the
> default for this?
> -p sess_timeout=10 \
> Default for this is 5.  If the requests from the backend takes longer than
> 5 seconds, what happens?  Sometimes we have really slow response from the
> backend..
> -p shm_workspace=32768 \
> Is this the same as setting the command line flag -l shmlogsize.  The
> default is 80MB.  So dont know twitter did both setting it to less..
> -p thread_pools=4 \
> -p thread_pool_min=100 \
> thread_pool_max
> The defaults are 1,1,1000 respectively.  Im wondering how best to determine
> this or just leave as default.
> ######################################################################
> # output of varnishstat, what is best to look at here?
> ######################################################################
> 0+07:11:24
>                                             Hitrate ratio:        4        4
>        4
> Hitrate avg:        nan      nan      nan
>          400         0.00         0.02 Client connections accepted
>          400         0.00         0.02 Client requests received
>            1         0.00         0.00 Cache hits
>            5         0.00         0.00 Cache misses
>          399         0.00         0.02 Backend connections success
>          399         0.00         0.02 Backend connections failures
>            1         0.00         0.00 Backend connections reuses
>            5         0.00         0.00 Backend connections recycles
>            6          .            .   N struct srcaddr
>           21          .            .   N struct sess_mem
>            1          .            .   N struct sess
>            1          .            .   N struct object
>            1          .            .   N struct objecthead
>            3          .            .   N struct smf
>            1          .            .   N small free smf
>            1          .            .   N large free smf
>            1          .            .   N struct vbe_conn
>            2          .            .   N struct bereq
>           10          .            .   N worker threads
>           23         0.00         0.00 N worker threads created
>           76         0.00         0.00 N overflowed work requests
>            2          .            .   N backends
>            5          .            .   N expired objects
>            6         0.00         0.00 Objects sent with write
>          400         0.00         0.02 Total Sessions
>          400         0.00         0.02 Total Requests
>          394         0.00         0.02 Total pipe
>            5         0.00         0.00 Total fetch
>       352131         0.00        13.60 Total header bytes
>         1745         0.00         0.07 Total body bytes
>          397         0.00         0.02 Session Closed
>            3         0.00         0.00 Session herd
>        33185         2.00         1.28 SHM records
>        19306         2.00         0.75 SHM writes
>           32         0.00         0.00 SHM MTX contention
>           11         0.00         0.00 allocator requests
>            1          .            .   outstanding allocations
>         8192          .            .   bytes allocated
>   6612459520          .            .   bytes free
>            5         0.00         0.00 Backend requests made
>            1         0.00         0.00 N vcl total
>            1         0.00         0.00 N vcl available
>            1          .            .   N total active purges
>            1         0.00         0.00 N new purges added
> Any response is appreciated.
> Thanks,
> Tung
> On Tue, Mar 24, 2009 at 12:20 AM, Kristian Lyngstol <
> kristian at> wrote:
>> On Mon, Mar 23, 2009 at 05:58:58PM -0700, Tung Nguyen wrote:
>> > Hi guys,
>> > So, Im reading over an archive email thread about twitters
>> configuration.
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> > It looks like they had to adjust a lot of parameters... and Im not
>> finding
>> > all the parameters definitions in the varnishd man pages.  Im wondering
>> if
>> > for most cases running varnish with the defaults is fine?
>> >
>> > Any caveats here which run time parameters should I focus on.
>> You can mostly run it with the defaults, yes. This depends on what sort of
>> usage you have though.
>> One notable exception is that I strongly recommend that you bring
>> thread_pool_min up to a decent level (reflecting how many users you
>> actually have. Numbers in the hundreds is normal). You'll also want to
>> adjust the cache size to your system, but that goes without saying.
>> If you expect extremely high load, you might have to increase cli_timeout
>> too. I've run tests where even setting it to 15 seconds is insufficient
>> and
>> causes childs to be killed off. Though for most production sites, I'd
>> guess
>> 5 seconds could work and 10 seconds would definitely work.
>> --
>> Kristian Lyngstøl
>> Redpill Linpro AS
>> Tlf: +47 21544179
>> Mob: +47 99014497
> --
> Tung Nguyen, Lead Developer
> Bleacher Report, The Open Source Sports Network
> (510) 928-0475

Tung Nguyen, Lead Developer
Bleacher Report, The Open Source Sports Network
(510) 928-0475
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