Theoretical connections/second limit using Varnish

Per Andreas Buer per.buer at
Sun May 3 08:24:40 CEST 2009

----- "Nick Loman" <nick at> wrote:

> Precisely, we only have perhaps 50 PHP children serving requests, so
> if these are kept open to serve idle keep-alive connections, that
> severely limits the numbers of dynamic page requests we can serve.

It sound like you and Michael need a limit on the number of connections for each backend and queuing of requests. I don't think this is possible with Varnish at the moment - but it sounds like a valid feature requests.

Per Andreas Buer / Business Area Manager
Mobile +47 958 39 117 / Phone: +47 21 54 41 21 

Redpill Linpro Group - Changing the Game

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