varnish with authirsed requests

Kristian Lyngstol kristian at
Wed Nov 11 11:02:56 CET 2009

On Tue, Oct 27, 2009 at 01:27:18PM +0000, Rob Ayres wrote:
> I've got varnish caching POST requests from my browser by changing the line
> in vcl_recv to this:

Unless you actually modified the source code, you didn't _change_ the VCL,
you added your own and the default will be run afterwards unless you end
your vcl with a terminating statement.

That being said, chat-hit-for-pass means that it was passed in vcl_fetch.

Kristian Lyngstøl
Redpill Linpro AS
Tlf: +47 21544179
Mob: +47 99014497
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