if-none-match status

Rogério Schneider stockrt at gmail.com
Fri Oct 9 21:26:14 CEST 2009

2009/10/9 Joe Williams <joe at joetify.com>:
> Oops, looks like I missed that reply. So it's just a matter of making
> sure clients use that header and varnish will decide to serve a 304 or
> an updated object?

It is, indeed, a matter of "making sure you deliver ETag: response
header from the backend" and everything is set. From now one the
clients should "see" this ETag: header in the response, and then start
issuing If-None-Match: request headers in the next "conditional GETs"
they made. Then, you have an improved chance of delivering 304 instead
of 200 + full content.

Good luck,
Rogério Schneider

MSN: stockrt at hotmail.com
GTalk: stockrt at gmail.com
Skype: stockrt

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