if-none-match status

Rogério Schneider stockrt at gmail.com
Sat Oct 10 19:41:14 CEST 2009

2009/10/9 Joe Williams <joe at joetify.com>:
> Thanks Rogério, I am totally aware that it currently is "client <->
> varnish" communication that deals with if-none-match. My question is

ah, ok :)

> whether it was considered making an option for doing this on "varnish
> <-> backend" communication as well since it seems like a reasonable way
> to validate objects in the cache during lookups. Does the varnish
> project have a (official or unofficial) policy regarding doing
> backend communication with conditions?

Now that is a question I think others could answer (tollef, sky,
phk?). I really do not know.

I agree that this could be interesting for, say, really big files
cache re-validation, without all the transfer from the backend to
Varnish, and even worth if we are talking about using Varnish for CDN
architectures (for better geolocation when delivering, with distant
backends, in many cases over continents).

Needless to say, this could be valid and very useful.

Rogério Schneider

MSN: stockrt at hotmail.com
GTalk: stockrt at gmail.com
Skype: stockrt

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