Write error, len = 69696/260844, errno = Success

Václav Bílek v.bilek at 1art.cz
Thu Oct 29 15:28:11 CET 2009


We are solving  strange problem with smol part of clients ( aprox 1%) on
some objects they do not get all the content in varnishlog we see:

Write error, len = 69696/260844, errno = Success

in the archive of this mailing list i found that client ended connection
before end of transfer... tcpdump we made confirms that... the question
is WHY

our investigation found no connection between OS, browser or anything
else; the only thing we know is that straight get from apache works and
get from varnish doesn't ( the network path in both cases is the same,
no mather if it gets from cache or if it is passed )
When client tryes to reget the content it ends the same way (Write
error, len = ...)

in atachements is tcpdump of such connection and coresponding varnishlog

Is there anyone who can point us where to look to find the problem?

thanks for any respond

Vaclav Bilek

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