Refreshing modified content

Per Buer perbu at
Thu Dec 16 21:54:10 CET 2010


On Thu, Dec 16, 2010 at 9:31 PM, Paulo Paracatu <paulo at>wrote:

> If I understood it, the purging method isn't automatic, right? I'd need to
> purge the content everytime it is modified.

Nobody purges the cache manually. You get your CMS to purge the cache for

This is kinda stupid... I host more than 10k sites, modifying files
> everytime. If I set a high TTL, the backend will be happy and the webmaster
> will be angry. If I set a low TTL, the webmaster will be happy, but the
> backend will die. Plus, there is no point using a cache if the TTL is low.

It isn't stupid, computers don't have intuition and you have to actually
tell them when you update data. If you can propose another way of getting
the cache to magically purge itself of stale content please share it with
us. :-)

Per Buer, Varnish Software
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