varnishhist x-axis?

Angelo Höngens a.hongens at
Mon Feb 1 10:50:15 CET 2010

Varnishhist looks cool.. It really does.. But what value is shown on the
x-axis? Ths man page shows: "The horizontal scale is logarithmic", but I
have no idea WHAT it graphs. (object size, ttlb,  etc)

1:15, n = 2000                          nmt-nlb-04.netmatchcolo1.local
               | |
               |||     #
               |||     #
               |||     #
               |||     #
               |||     #
               |||     #
               |||     #
               ||||    #
               ||||    #
              |||||| | ##
              |||||| ||##
              ||||||||####       | #
            | ||||||||##### #   |######
|1e-6  |1e-5  |1e-4  |1e-3  |1e-2  |1e-1  |1e0   |1e1   |1e2


With kind regards,

Angelo Höngens
systems administrator

MCSE on Windows 2003
MCSE on Windows 2000
MS Small Business Specialist
tourism internet software solutions

Ringbaan Oost 2b
5013 CA Tilburg
+31 (0)13 5811088
+31 (0)13 5821239

A.Hongens at

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