Time to replace the hit ratio with something more intuitive?

Michael Fischer michael at dynamine.net
Tue Jan 19 22:09:16 CET 2010

On Tue, Jan 19, 2010 at 12:09 PM, Nils Goroll <slink at schokola.de> wrote:

> The varnishstat cache hit rate basically gives a ratio for how many
> requests
> being directed to the cache component of varnish have been answered from
> it. It
> does not say anything about the number of requests being passed onto the
> backend
> for whatever reason. So it is possible to see cache hit rates of 0.9999
> (99.99%)
> but still 99% of the client requests hit your backend, if only 1% of the
> requests qualify for being served from the cache.

> I am suggesting to amend (or replace ?) this figure by a ratio of client
> requests being handled by the cache by total number of requests. In other
> words,
> a measure for how many of the client requests do not result in a backend
> request.

I vote for the replacement option.  In my view, the ratio should be (total
requests)/(requests satisfied from cache).

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