Varnish interview

Kristian Lyngstøl kristian at
Tue Sep 21 17:35:17 CEST 2010

On Tue, Sep 21, 2010 at 5:19 PM, Caunter, Stefan <scaunter at> wrote:
>> Varnish reads the Cache-Control header and uses s-maxage, max-age or
>> Expires: as the TTL. What you set in vcl_fetch _overrides_ that. If
>> you do not modify ttl in vcl_fetch, Varnish will use the Cache-Control
>> header.
> Thanks for the clarification. Our webapp does not set it, so I had not seen this behaviour.
> Am I correct that we would see a two minute ttl in the absence of those headers?

Yes. In the absence of s-maxage, max-age and Expires, the default_ttl
is used, which is 120 seconds by default. In varnishlog, you will see
a line saying TTL: if it says TTL RFC, it's based on headers or
default TTL. If it says VCL, it's set in VCL.

- Kristian

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