CDN subdomain handling (hiding) in Varnish

Alex Hooper ahooper at
Tue Apr 26 11:29:21 CEST 2011

Shibashish uttered:
> 2011/4/25 Roberto O. Fernández Crisial 
> <roberto.fernandezcrisial at 
> <mailto:roberto.fernandezcrisial at>>

> Can I do a exact match on the cdn domain and redirect to the main 
> domain? i.e. " <>" gets directed to 
> <>, 
> but 
> <> should not be redirected. Or is 
> there a better way?


What I do (with no claim that it's the canonical, or even a better, solution) is 
to put a rewrite rule on the origin server that says "if the request comes from 
the CDN caches and is not for (jpg|gif|js|css|whatever) then issue a permanent 
redirect to the canonical site".

So the CDN ends up storing pointers back to the canonical site for those 
resources you do not wish served from CDN. The result being that, even if a user 
does go to they are bounced straight back to

HTH, etc,


Alex Hooper
Operations Team Leader, BMJ Group, BMA House, London WC1H 9JR
Tel: +44 (0) 20 7383 6049

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