Question about a config file

Rainer Duffner rainer at
Sun Aug 7 19:59:57 CEST 2011

Am Sat, 6 Aug 2011 17:40:00 +0200
schrieb Rainer Duffner <rainer at>:

> Am Sat, 6 Aug 2011 17:02:32 +0200
> schrieb Rainer Duffner <rainer at>:
> Sorry, my keyboard is acting up (need a new laptop...)
> Anyway, there is a module for typo3 and varnish called "moc_varnish".
> It comes with a number of config-files for varnish and I'm trying
> those.
> But when I run varnishd with one of those, I just get errors:
>  /usr/local/sbin/varnishd
>  -f /home/customer/htdocs/typo3conf/ext/moc_varnish/vcl-examples/production.vcl
>  -a :80  
> Message from VCC-compiler:
> Expected ';' got '('
> (program line 174), at
> ('input' Line 23 Pos 22)
>                 purge("req.url ~ " req.url " && == "
> ---------------------#------------------------------------------------------------
> Running VCC-compiler failed, exit 1
> VCL compilation failed
> The config upto that point looks pretty straight-forward:

OK, so after a lot of try- and error, seems that even though the config
file mentions 3.0, it is actually still a 2.x config file.

Among other things, purge does not seem to do what it did in 2.x.

I'm not sure I want to ban something from the cache - the purpose (as
far as I understood it) is to remove something from it, so a fresh copy
will be fetched the next access.

Can someone explain how ban takes over the functionality of purge?

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