no caching of large object

Lukas, Christian (extern) c.lukas at
Tue Aug 9 17:19:58 CEST 2011


we like to avoid large objects to be cached.
I found the configuration below on .
If I got it right the object will be fetched from the backend twice.
I wonder if someone knows a way to avoid fetching the object twice from the backend (without changes to the backend: e.g. deliver large objects from a certain directory or set an additional header by the backend).

sub vcl_recv {
  if (req.http.x-pipe && req.restarts > 0) {

sub vcl_fetch {
  # This is the rule to knock out big files
  if ( beresp.http.Content-Length ~ "[0-9]{8,}" ) {
     set req.http.x-pipe = "1";

Kind Regads,
  Christian Lukas
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