Hostnames in backend definition...

Hugo Cisneiros (Eitch) hugo.cisneiros at
Tue Dec 13 17:01:27 CET 2011

2011/12/13 Roberto O. Fernández Crisial <roberto.fernandezcrisial at>:
> Have you tried Elastic IP? I think this resolves the first problem you have.

I think Elastic IPs can be associated only with instances. I'm using
Elastic Load Balancer (ELB) that uses Auto-Scaling: when it needs, it
automatically spawns new servers and they get into this "dynamic" ELB.

The IP for this Load Balancer changes very often and Amazon says that
you must always use CNAME to their hostname (because of these
changes). In other words, I think I can't use a fixed IP address on
Varnish backend configuration. :(


Hugo Cisneiros (Eitch)

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